
Posts Tagged ‘speed work’

Who shows up at 6:00am to do a track workout mid-week, some short on sleep with little babies at home?  (One gal got 2 hours of sleep after returning from a concert in Portland at 3:00 am)  RUNNER MOMMAS, that’s who! I feel so validated for my crazy obsession with running when I see others out there in the wee hours like myself. And to do speed work! Wow.

Excellent warm up on hurdles (backwards and forwards) to loosen hips and get focused on coordination.

Our first session went great. We had 10 gals register for the 5-week speed work clinic put on by myself and Dani Tubman from Eugene’s Baby Boot Camp.

Dani keeps things moving with gool ol' jumping jacks while everyone finishes with the hurdles

After intros and talking about race goals, types of speed work and heart monitor training, Dani lead us on an excellent warm up of an 800 with mini-strides, leg lifts, skipping and hurdle work. It really opened up our hips,  got us breaking a sweat and ready to run.

To get a base, we all did a timed mile then did some 400s with loose time goals based on our mile time. Since many of the gals were new to speed work, the goal was not to get fast the first day, but to practice ‘feeling’ what a certain pace was. It was fun to see people of like paces running side-by-side pushing each other and getting the encouragement going. I have done speed work by myself for so long, I forgot what it’s like to have people there to push your envelope a bit. I know mine was pushed and I’ve got the munchies today to prove it!

These gals were so fast, all I got in this shot was the track! Nice track though, eh? Very cushy.

I’m so looking forward to next week when we’ll do a fun warm up, then practice more intervals. And maybe the guys from the Oregon Track Club will show up again, so we have more eye candy to chase after!

Three cheers for these awesome runner women. You inspire me! (And I’ll take better photos next week, I swear)

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